I was reading the book of Job some time ago, and I found something very interesting
about it. Many people say that Job was a righteous man and he never opened up his
mouth to accuse God for his trials [Job 1:20-22]. But as I began to look at it more carefully,
Job began to justify himself before his 3 friends, and said that God was unjust for allowingabout it. Many people say that Job was a righteous man and he never opened up his
mouth to accuse God for his trials [Job 1:20-22]. But as I began to look at it more carefully,
him to go through this suffering, and that he is innocent [Job 30:18-25]. However, at the
end of the book, a young man rebukes Job and the three old wise men for misrepresenting
God's character and nature [Job 6:8-13, Job 32:2]. Suddenly, God appears and speaks to
Job out of a whirlwind, and basically says who are you to question the Almighty, I have
questions for you, prepare yourself as a man and answer me [Job Chapters 38-42]
At the end of the story, Job realizes the foolishness of his ways and words, and is
humbled by the whole experience. He repented [Job 42:1-6]. Consider this. Job did nothing,
yet he was delivered over to Satan by God to be tortured. Jesus Christ did nothing, yet he
endures the mocking, accusations, scourging, and crucifixion for nothing wrong he did
[Isaiah 53, Mark 10:34]. God allowed this for his own purpose. To save his people from their
sins. Likewise, as Christians, we will go through the fiery furnace; “all who live godly in
Christ shall suffer persecution” and with much “tribulation we must enter the kingdom of
God” [2 Timothy 3:12, Acts 14:22] .
This is a message not taught in Churches. To count the cost of following Christ. Most
Christians are content with living their “BEST-LIFE NOW!!!”.
We will be tested and tried, accused, and persecuted [Matthew 5:11, Matthew 24:9]. We
must count the cost [Luke 14:25-34]. I read today a powerful Christian tract out of print,
"There is no victory without a battle, and there is no resurrection without a cross. Today,
many people with "charismatic" experiences have been led into the "upper room" without
first going to the cross!" What God seeks for today is a Church full of dead men and
women. Dead to themselves that is - and alive to their Beloved.
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